LFO Short-term Study
Short-term study is a program set up by LFO to help students improve their English and adapt to study and life in the UK in advance. Short-term s...
Project Details
Programs include: Cultural Expo camp West End Drama School Summer Drama Course (ages 8-16); Elite Camp British Summer Camp School (8-15 years old); En...
Project Details
Short-term study is a program set up by LFO to help students improve their English and adapt to study and life in the UK in advance. Short-term study programs include research background enhancement, interest and academic camps, and winter placement programs.

Programs include: Cultural Expo camp West End Drama School Summer Drama Course (ages 8-16); Elite Camp British Summer Camp School (8-15 years old); English boutique camp kindergarten experience class (3-5 years old); British micro study private school placement experience (2-18 years old).

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LFO Short-term Study
We will recommend the most suitable research programs and background improvement opportunities for students according to their interests and specialties, so as to quickly improve their core qualities.
Make an appointment with the admissions officer to interview the application